Training Pastors and Church Leaders in Pakistan

by Shahid Masih

Pakistan is a country where less than 2% of the population identifies as Christian. Therefore, the need is great to bring the gospel to my country and then disciple those who respond. I live in a city of over one million and I have been serving as pastor of a local church since 2012. However, I also have oversight of several church branches in other parts of my city and many connections with pastors from other cities. I have asked the Lord for 100,000 to train as Disciples of Christ who will become Disciplers for Christ. This is the Great Commission and the need in Pakistan is great!

Last month, I invited 15 pastors to an introductory presentation of the Step-by-Step Discipleship Training Process, which I completed in 2023 under the leadership of Bart Physioc, Director of Disciplers International. The presentation went well and I’m excited about the ways God will use these men and women to make disciples who will in turn make more disciples. During our opening session, I had everyone get acquainted, because discipleship is all about relationship.

Training Group (Shahid is second from the left on bottom row next to his wife, Lubna)

What follows are responses from some of the pastors in attendance.

Pastor Ejaz

Pastor Ejaz talked about the importance of knowledge and learning in discipleship training. He noted that having quality curriculum in Urdu, the primary language of Pakistan, is crucial in order to effectively train others. Ejaz also said that acquiring knowledge is essential to effectively present the gospel that brings salvation. This means that one cannot lead others to salvation in Christ without first being equipped with the knowledge and tools to do so.

Pastor Philip

Pastor Philip emphasized the importance of sharing one's personal story as a means to connect with others and ultimately share God's story. By sharing personal experiences, we convey authenticity and vulnerability, making it easier for others to open up and trust. After sharing one's story, Pastor Philip suggested transitioning to God's story by highlighting God's work, sharing biblical truths, and connecting the dots between one's personal story and God's story. Philip recognized the need to lead unbelievers in the “Prayer of Commitment” to acknowledge sin, accept Christ, commit to follow Him, and provide a clear path for others to commit their lives to Christ as well.

Evangelist Shamaun

Evangelist Shamaun emphasized the significance of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19, where Jesus commands us to "go and make disciples." He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to learn and be equipped to fulfill this mandate, highlighting that this training is essential to effectively disciple others. Shamaun noted that the Holy Spirit empowers our witness, interpreting our words as we share the Gospel with others. He emphasized the need to be equipped, not only for our own spiritual growth, but also to train others for intentional discipleship.

Pastor Riaz

Pastor Riaz, expressed gratitude for the Step-by-Step training. Some key takeaways from the class for him include understanding his identity and purpose of life in Christ, and learning how to share his testimony to inspire others. Riaz also emphasized the importance of leading others to Jesus Christ through the "Prayer of Commitment," which involves confession, repentance, and salvation, ultimately transforming lives and bringing joy to heaven.

Evangelist Waqas

Evangelist Waqas is grateful for learning how to more effectively win souls for Christ. Highlights for Waqas include learning the importance of spiritual intimacy as an invitation for others to "come and see" the true God and their true self. He appreciates specific training that focuses on one’s identity in Christ, the purpose of life, and how to share one’s testimony that leads others to Christ. The "Prayer of Commitment" is especially meaningful and also practical as a guide for leading people to Jesus Christ as their Savior and ultimately bringing joy to heaven.

During the introductory session, I asked and we discussed the following questions:

1.Who am I? (Identity) This question encourages individuals to explore their sense of self, purpose, and identity in Christ. It helps them understand their values, strengths, and weaknesses, and how these aspects shape their relationship with God and others.

2. Why am I here? (Purpose): This question invites individuals to reflect on their reason for being, their mission, and their role in God's plan. It helps them discover their talents, gifts and passions, and how these can be used to serve others and fulfill their purpose.

3. Where am I going? (Direction): This question prompts individuals to consider their spiritual journey, their goals, and their aspirations. It helps them evaluate their progress, set realistic objectives, and create a plan to achieve their spiritual goals.

4. What is my goal? (Destination): This question encourages individuals to define their ultimate objective, their vision, and their desired outcome. It helps them focus on what they hope to achieve in their spiritual journey, whether it's deeper intimacy with God, effective ministry, or personal growth.

By pondering these questions, people will gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their purpose, and their spiritual direction. This self-awareness can empower them to make informed decisions, set realistic goals, and navigate their spiritual journey with intentionality and purpose. Not only did those attending get acquainted personally and get an overview of the Step-by-Step process, but they also learned from each other about how to bring people to Christ and grow them in Christ. This is just the beginning…


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