
Online Sunday Service at 11 a.m. Eastern Time

Fellowship Time starts at 10:30 a.m. ET

Haus Church serves in partnership with Disciplers International.

Sunday - March 2nd

Psalm 46 begins with these words: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble; therefore, we will not fear. Is that true for you? What follows are a series of disastrous events: the earth shakes (vs. 2); waters roar (vs. 3); kingdoms totter (vs. 6). But through it all, the Lord of hosts is with us (vss. 7,11). Is the Lord with you right now? If not, simply be still, and know that He (not we or me) is God (vs. 10).

To view the March 2nd Haus Church service click Psalm 46

Grace & Peace, Pastor Bart Physioc

View past Sunday Messages on YouTube

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