
Online Sunday Service at 10 a.m. Eastern Time

Fellowship Time starts at 9:30 a.m. ET

Haus Church serves in partnership with Disciplers International.

This Sunday (Jan 19th) at Haus Church……

Dear Friends,

While on the plane returning home from Hawaii I was thinking and praying about where to go in the Scriptures with the next few Sundays in view. Suddenly, Joseph from Genesis came to mind and I immediately opened my Bible to read about his life in chapters 37-50 while zooming at 40,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean. It's an impressive and captivating story that has much to teach us about life with all its hardships and challenges, ups and downs. So get ready to join Joseph this Sunday for Part 1 in the life of a young man who just happened to be a most loved son and a most hated brother at the same time. How did he deal with the drama? Let's find out!

To prepare, pray-read Genesis 37, while doing your best to step into Joseph's sandals to feel what he felt when his life went downhill really fast.

For the 12 Jan Haus Church recording, click

Grace & Peace,


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