Malawi Building Project
I am more convinced that God is at work when I am not. Let me explain….
The Malawi Building Project was not my idea, and what occurred happened so suddenly that I am convinced it is a beautiful example of God’s work in and through His people. I’ll start with the backstory for context. Seven years ago I traveled to Malawi, Africa, to meet Patrick and Mervis Readson, whom God was using in their own country to plant churches and make disciples. My stay was short, but life-changing for me and my mission/ministry colleague. The close relationship we formed then and there has deepened significantly over the years, and many amazing things have happened, which you can read about in the collection of Disciplers International MISSION NEWSLETTERS.
Besides planting many churches (now 30 in number) and making many disciples through the 14-Step Discipleship Process, the Readson’s have prayed faithfully for a multi-purpose facility to be used as a house of worship, elementary school, training center and health clinic, to name a few. With big dreams and great faith, but almost no resources of their own (Malawi is one of the poorest countries), Patrick and Mervis were able to purchase a small piece of property, build walls from hand-made bricks and begin roof construction. They drafted a nine-phase building plan and, with some assistance from us, completed the first three phases. The following story describes what happened to move things from where they were then to where they are now.
- Bart Physioc, Director of Disciplers International
First load of gravel for Phase 5 - Video narrated by Patrick
During Sunday Haus Church services, we have a time when praise reports and prayer requests are lifted up to God while displayed on a shared screen via Zoom. One request that had been appearing for several weeks was about the problem of dust created during the worship services in Malawi making it difficult to breath (worship in Africa is a moving experience!). After a HAUS Church service early in November, a couple from our HAUS community contacted me to inquire about the dust problem. I responded by sending them the nine-phase plan to complete construction, because it included the estimate to install a concrete floor, which was the next phase. Shortly thereafter, the couple responded by saying that the Lord was leading them to donate anonymously half the cost to complete the remaining six phases of the building plan, and they would like me to challenge HAUS members to match their pledge. I was both blown away and deeply touched by their generous offer. Although I am by no means a fund-raiser, I assured this couple that I would inform others. What followed really amazed me, but since God is able to do even more than we ask or think, I should not have been amazed at all. Not only did people respond to match the pledge, they exceeded it!
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us. (Ephesians 3:20)
Previously unemployed women hired to help - Video Clip
By the end of November, all pledged donations had been received and accounted for, and work began under the direction of the Readson’s, and the oversight of Disciplers International. Patrick and Mervis have done a tremendous job of managing this operation, which involves working closely with government officials, local vendors, equipment operators and workers. Some tasks required professionals, but much of the labor could be done by an unskilled work force. Unemployment is quite high in Malawi, so Patrick and Mervis addressed that problem as much as they were able by hiring unemployed people, like the women in the photo to the left. What a blessing for them and their families!
After prepping the dirt floor with a firm base, concrete was then applied to finish this particular phase of construction. Immediately thereafter, work began on the electrical phase, which is now underway. Everyone is excited about what has been accomplished, and looking forward to completion of the remaining phases as 2022 unfolds. The Readson’s are most grateful to all who have made it possible for them to have a dust-free space now in use for their worship services.
I can only imagine what God has in store for 2022 regarding the ministries and mission work of Disciplers International at home and abroad. I invite you to join with us in God’s work!
Mervis and baby Joshua ready for the first worship service on the newly completed floor
Mervis bringing God’s message without the dust problem caused by the previous dirt floor - PTL!
Women celebrating the Good News of Jesus Christ and the good news that Phase 5 is now complete
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