30th Church Plant in Malawi

When I first met Patrick & Mervis Readson in 2014, they had already planted three churches, despite the fact that they had no money to do so. Their faith to trust God for all their personal needs and guide them in His ways was impressive, to say the least. Now, seven years later, after planting their 30th church, the faith of this family continues to amaze me. I think it will amaze you, too, after reading this newsletter.

- Bart Physioc, Director of Disciplers International

In the center of this photo is Pastor Samuel Dafter with some women who are part of the latest church plant in Blantyre (2nd largest city in Malawi). Patrick discipled Samuel for two years before placing him in the position of pastor to ensure that he was fully equipped before assuming this important responsibility. At the same time, Mervis trained these women and others for their particular responsibilities. All serve as volunteers. This is how God has led the Readsons to plant 30 churches.

Jesus said, Permit the children come to Me; do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these (Mark 10: 14). Pastor Dafter learned from Patrick & Mervis that a church is just like a child when first born, because both require a lot of attention with much compassion and care demonstrated as they are growing up. Therefore, Pastor Dafter and his wife spend considerable time training up children in the way they should go, according to the Scriptures. They do this not only for the benefit of the children personally, but also because they are the future leaders of the church, and Malawi, too!

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

The photo on the left is of Patrick (center) teaching Samuel (right) and a lay minister about the 14-Step Discipleship Process and how valuable and necessary the training is to their spiritual growth as disciples of Christ, and also in their roles and responsibilities as church leaders. According to Patrick, this one-on-one ministry is powerful, because it requires a personal relationship, where those involved get very well acquainted. This strengthens their relationships, which is vital, because trust is essential when going through the discipleship materials.

The photo below is of Mervis (right) with the “chief” of the local area. In Malawi, government leaders are elected by the democratic process, as in the United States, but local leaders are key players in local politics, so it's important for churches to have good relationships with local officials like this chief.

Patrick says that chiefs are gatekeepers of the community, and he’s pleased to say that they are supportive of this new church in Blantyre. Patrick was also pleased for the chance to share the gospel with the village headman and chief woman, and tell them what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

In the three photos at the bottom of this page (left to right) we see Patrick & Mervis leading young people from the new church in a time of celebration. The next photo is of Mervis teaching children to walk with Christ. Her dream and passion is to have a school for kids, where they learn about God while learning the academics necessary for them to excel in life. The last photo is of Pastor Samuel Dafter and his wife Rhoda, who are blessed with five children of their own - all boys! Like Patrick & Mervis, Samuel & Rhoda are a ministry team.

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Malawi Building Project