Disciple-making and Care-giving in DRC
By Flavien & Naomi Muderhwa
Flavien discipling Stephen.
In 2020, after COVID-19 started, I was blessed to have Bart Physioc of Disciplers International mentor me personally. After completing the Discipleship training, I’ve been giving what I’ve received by discipling F.I.T. (Faithful, Intentional, Teachable) followers of Jesus. The spiritual and physical support of Disciplers International has changed my life greatly, my family is overjoyed and we have surrendered our life to serve our Lord Jesus Christ.
Naomi discipling Stephen’s wife, Divine.
While being trained by Bart, I was also training my wife, Naomi, so that she would be equipped to train other women. Together, with the help of the Lord, we have been implementing the rich teaching we have received by actively discipling men and women.
So far, we have taken 17 people through the Discipleship Training Process and planted eight churches (cell groups). Despite many disappointments, we have not given up but continue serving the Lord Jesus by bringing people to Him. I praise Father God for His grace in leading us to open Haus Church-Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and working in and through our lives to train and equip others.
I also want to praise Father God and thank Disciplers International for helping us show God’s love to orphan children and pregnant women in the city of Goma where we live and in the village of Kibati.
The love we are showing is God’s love at work through your love. This is really awesome and has a great impact as people are believing that Jesus is able to bring His love wherever He wants, to whomever He wants and whenever He wants. These needy people (orphan children, other vulnerable children and pregnant women) are always joyful when receiving the food products (rice, beans, oil, etc.) and nonfood products (clothes) we bring to them monthly. They are very thankful to God and Disciplers International.
Our vision is to make disciples of Jesus, just as He commands us in Matthew 28:19-20, to plant churches, and to help vulnerable people like orphaned children and needy pregnant women. Our mission is to bring people to Christ and spread His Word through evangelism, preaching, teaching, discipling, and caring for people in the cities and villages of the DRC.
With regard to our social work, our mission is to restore a smile of joy to those in need by providing them with some food, clothing and other basic items for their well-being according to God’s provision. And we are always grateful for the love and support we receive from Disciplers International. It’s a team effort!